The Altijd Wat Wijzer is a weekly animation we created with Wouter Kroese. The index highlighted current topics for the Dutch television program, Altijd Wat. The animated facts and figures helped to explain sometimes-complex concepts in an accessible way.
After four years and 150 'Altijd Wat Wijzers', the TV show went off the air. But the animations are still available online for everyone to enjoy!
Client: WOUW!
Art direction: WOUW!
Copywriter: NCRV Altijd Wat
Animation: WOUW!, True form, Mitchel Tan, Plastiek and others
Illustration: subsoda
Audio: NCRV Altijd Wat
Voice-over: NCRV Altijd Wat
Years of production: 2010-2014
Nomination German Design Award
European Design Award
Motion Graphics Gold
Jury Prize Gold
Infographics Annual Prize